Love is like a golf ball
- you move it and follow it
- You know where it starts and where it is supposed to go
- It moves differently every time
- It can find disaster
- It can be exciting to play with
- It is impossible to completely master
- It is possible to enjoy no matter what it does
- It Has rules & etiquette
- It is Waterproof
- It is affected by the wind
- It attracts fashion
- at close range it can be enjoyed in the dark
- Only one can be moved at a time
- Trying to move 2 at a time is a recipe for disaster
- Is disappointing to lose
- Is expensive to replace
- It is remarkably robust, difficult to break
- faster and cheaper to replace if damaged
- very replaceable yet some are cherished forever and even end up in a trophy case
- It functions efficiently everywhere
- It likes warmth
- It responds to stimulus
- It moves in proportion to the strength & frequency of the force applied to it.
- an individual sport, more fun if shared
- A wonderful reason to see the world
- A favorite way to wake up
- It is healthy
- It can be stimulating
- It hurts to get in the way of one struck in anger
- more fun if you play with it
- it can endure long periods of inactivity
- it can last forever
- it was invented by the Dutch, perfected in Scotland and mass produced in USA
- Highly addictive
- 2021
- you just have to let some perfect ones go
- Some just don’t get moving Fast & far enough to clear trouble
- they die, soar, crash & sail
- Incredible unexpected results happen sometimes
- You can have 2 in play at the same time under very special circumstances & for a very limited time - like when you need an official ruling
- Sometimes you just get tired and don’t want to play, especially if your “keeper” is lost
- a drivable par 5 would be like taking Love to a new level
- it can change
- the next day they both look different ..... but love feels
- Sometimes it just appears right in front of you
- It’s fun even if you can’t see where it’s going. If you are good and/or lucky it is found right where you want it to be
- it gets easier to lose them the more you do
- They can be played fast & loose or anything in between safe & sound.
- apparently they can both be scheduled and blocked
- It’s all about avoiding mistakes- easy game really
- It fucking hurts when you get hit by a wild one on the fly
- they can be equally insensitive
- the indifference of each can sometimes be the same
- they can go backwards
- they can be difficult to move even a tiny bit
- they resist movement
- they often require tremendous effort to move
Love is not like a golf ball
- a golf ball is more predictable
- a golf ball almost always reacts
- a golf ball always can be loved
- a golf ball is usually responsive & reactive
- a golf ball is perfect
- even ugly ones go the distance 1
- it’s nice to give each a break sometimes
- they take crazy bounces
- It’s not how it’s how many
- Quality over quantity
- All it takes is one
- it goes as far as you hit it or in other words you get what you give
- it sucks to lose a keeper
- You just have to let them go
- Losing is winning if you truly commit
- it is more fun when its warm but some like it cold - it still works
- it is still there even when you dont play with it for a while
- it can wait forever - it is in no rush at all
- it is always ready to move
- There are special places to play it
- There are countries & cultures famous for it
- There are people who get paid the most for it
- Even if you don’t have one, it’s still fun to pretend you do
- 18 months later where there was none to be found, there is some
- New ones are nice
- Even an old smudged one might just be “the one”
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