I got involved last year. First it was the Transportation Committee because I think Electric Cars are good. Then it was with Nanaimo's new zoning bylaw- the rules by which we use land and build. I was happy that it passed so I can benefit from some new features.
Then I recently came to realize that if I want economic prosperity and growth then I have to also want efficient social systems. The "by-products" or "side effects" of growth are real. Call it what you want I am not prepared to ignore the "need" for social housing, to let it build up in hospitals & jails. Those facilities are more expensive to build, manage & maintain. They are also less effective, built for other purposes - doing that is yet another example of the inappropriate use of a tool, like using a scalpel to cut drywall - it works but yikes there are cheaper, faster and better ways. In short I want the most "efficient" way.
Just like the product in a package, economic development comes in a package called social need that has to be either piled up or processed. I cant have it both ways - growth without social support or visa versa - social support without growth. They are connected, they support each other.
Processing the side effects of growth, much like the side effects of building anything, is green, sustainable and necessary to keep the world healthy and attractive.
So I am over the need to do it, I get it. What is the most efficient way for me, here, now? What suits my specific needs best? I have certain tools and resources at hand. Which ones will work best for me. Where do I start. Do I just try something and see how it goes? I have lots of questions. Can I trust the experts? Its all I got for now, we pay them enough, thats for sure.
So in a nutshell that is it - my vision for Nanaimo is efficiency in balance. Attract people & grow the city, provide for the consequences and move people - efficiently. Make good use of the tools & resources we have to provide responsible, sustainable growth, a safe and caring community and move people - efficiently.
1) Economic Development
2) Social Programs
3) Transportation & Land Use
Appropriately designed and applied:
1) Walking Bridge to Newcastle Island
2) Supportive Housing
3) Zoning, Transportation & Sustainability initiatives
Absolutely. Build a bridge. Then build a Wet House. Why shouldn't Newcastle have to shoulder its share of social responsibility?