Friday, October 7, 2011

Supportive Housing Petitions

Good start to the online petition in favour of the Supportive Housing planned for 6025 Uplands. As of this moment we, if I may speak for the my fellow signatories, have 20. I see it as a seed in the ground that can grow.

I started yesterday with 121 handouts around the "ground zero" area and another 121 today a bit farther out. My goal is to do 121 per day for the next week.

Right now our petition is at 18, the "other" petition
is at 41

So the score is 41-20.......

C'mon lets show some heart, lets find a spot for the homeless. I've seen ones that work and will pledge to get one that works here.

Dont get discouraged - you never know when you will find the strength to go on.... just think of the immortal RockyMouse....(please watch the whole thing, there is a happy ending)


  1. What kind of a sicko could film that little mouse and not either put it out of its misery or help it out of the trap?

  2. Straight up, Jim, will your company be the one building the wet house? Is your company involved in any way? Do you stand to gain financially in any way from the Uplands wet house?

  3. Good point about the mouse - I do believe the little guy is a product of Pixar like animation. Last night I thought of him after the 12th speaker against the Uplands project.

    As far as the Construction of the Uplands house goes I am about as qualified to do a commercial job like that as i am to go up against Tiger Woods in golf. I am good, however both are way out of my league. I do know well how coveted a job like that is and how one job like that can make a big difference for many companies & tradesmen. I stand to make no financial gain on this. If I can help make something positive happen there I will however get something much more valuable - good question, meant to address it earlier, thanks
