Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Good trash talk - more about Bylaw 280

10/12, 3:22pm  Facebook message

             Jim Routledgedid you hear that thing i talked to you about before i left - its coming up for a decision soon


Ian Gartshore The request to be able to stop the exportation of waste?


Jim Routledge Yes, the Minister announced she will have a decision soon


Ian GartshoreBy the way, I was told that the local landfill is open 7 days a week. Someone told you it wasn't, right?

            Jim Routledge It is closed on long weekends


Ian Gartshore Should be interesting to see what the Minister decides. This could affect shipping metro van's trash to other jurisdictions, no? 

Ah, long weekends.

 For incineration, I mean.


Jim Routledge 1) yes, 2) it could or MRFS


Ian GartshoreWhat's MRFS?


Jim Routledge sorting, Material Recovery something somethng


Ian GartshoreI wonder if Metro Van has thought this through?


Jim Routledge Unamous at the board level, even Vancouver directors support this


Ian GartshoreMe don't understand... They don't want to see their garbage exported while putting out an RFP for WTE options that would require exporting their garbage!


Jim Routledge They don't want to see their garbage exported - period


Ian GartshoreNot even to Nanaimo?? Or are we talking about the city of Vancouver vs. Metro Vancouver?


Jim Routledge The point is to stop it going unsorted and uninspected to Oregon - all the efforts to insitute diversion, bans and prohibitions is being undermined


Ian GartshoreYep.


Jim Routledge Not only that, the cost of the system that is in place is increasingly being shifted to citizens

             Not only that - who is getting any jobs out of the Oregon bound stuff?


Ian GartshoreA few benefit at the cost of the many. I'm seeing this theme being played out over and over again.


            Jim Routledge i will be honest with you Ian - there is a scary side to being in favour of this - a risk but I feel its one worth taking


Ian GartshoreThe risk?


Jim Routledge yes, the risk is that it does open the door to incineration.  so do I trust the system and put my faith in the people running it or vote against it and risk the whole last 20 years of gains


Ian GartshoreSo the ban on export of waste is only for unsorted stuff, right? So why does this open the door to incineration? Because then there's more trash to deal with?


Jim Routledge its a complex issue Ian - hard to explain.  I have been working on this for a while.  I am a business kinda guy and my university degree taught me to be wary of things like "monopoly", "expropriation" & "Government controls" yet I find myself leaning towards that in the name of saving the planet, jobs and fairness to taxpayers


Ian GartshoreI get that. Isn't it fun (not!) when our simple solutions don't work very well in the more complex world of reality??


Jim Routledge to answer your question - it opens the door to incineration because without Bylaw 280 there is no control for any purpose going forward - incineration, local landfill volumes or MRfs


Ian GartshoreIt appears to me that we are slowly reducing the power of governments while simultaneously increasing the power of large corporations.

I see.


Jim Routledge this Bylaw 280 will do the exact opposite - more government

its the application of 280 if it passes, if mary says "yes" that is the biggest challenge - it could be done right


Ian GartshoreWe don't need incinerators. I am trying to understand this situation from Metro Van's perspective.


Jim Routledgeif you let your trash leave the province, no jobs, no NRE, no diversion targets - are you sure that’s what you want?


Ian GartshoreI don't think waste resources should be shipped off-shore any more than should raw logs.


I am trying to understand Metro Van's perspective.


Jim Routledge it is a tricky one - I think there is too much too lose to let private industry handle this - its a public thing, like education, water, ferries


Ian GartshoreI think that private industry could make wiser decisions if we did a full cost accounting -one that includes the usually externalized costs of hauling distances, burning, burying, etc.

In other words, including the costs of pollution, GHG emissions, having to dig up more resources, etc.


Jim Routledge who stands to benefit if Bylaw 280 is defeated, if Mary says "No"?


Ian GartshoreHaulers

U.S. dumps


Jim Routledge yes and the jobs here that are at risk - NRE, our landfill, our recycle industry


Ian GartshoreYep.

And one more sector would continue to benefit: industries that generate a lot of waste, especially the food sector. They throw away tons of edible foods every year.


Jim Routledge good point Ian-its a slippery slope

,we just start getting serious buy in on recycle and then take the pressure off - how crazy would that be


Ian GartshoreChad of our local Green Store said that he has difficulty getting some of these discards because they're rather throw it away then have to sell it to him!

 I know the RDN solid waste folk are concerned about lots materials.

That should read "lost materials."


Jim Routledge most every regional district has sent letters of support for 280 to the minister


Ian GartshoreI was just told one of their staff that the MMBC funds are not subsidizing or lowering the tipping fees but are used for subsidizing their utility bills.

I see.

Do you get to play a role in this decision, Jim?


Jim Routledge I am nobody Ian - so no - not yet at least 


Ian GartshoreOK. I think those funds should be used to boost local manufacturing utilizing the waste stream.


Jim Routledge i would love to play a role if its endorsed - it it goes ahead - yes, yes, yes - you got the idea now


Ian GartshoreHow about using some of the Duke Point area for a waste recovery center and associated manufacturing?


Jim Routledge i love Ian Gartshore


Ian GartshoreThanks! But I'm not running! 


Jim Routledge true - but i am 


Ian GartshoreI ran for the Zero Waste conference.



Jim Routledge just wish i had the time to go thru all that with enough people to make a difference


Ian GartshoreYep! Just a month to go before e-day!

 Do you have some folk who will help you get the message out?


Jim Routledge i need help



Jim RoutledgeGood morning Ian - could I please have your permission to share the conversation we had above about Bylaw 280.  You asked some good questions.


Ian Gartshore Hi Jim, Sure. Thank you for asking

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