Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Character Building in Nanaimo's Old City Area

Good work was done recently by the local business & building industry in a concerted effort to ensure zoning rules are used for the purpose for which they were intended.

"WHEREAS the principal purpose of this Bylaw is to guide the natural growth of the municipality in a systematic and orderly way for the ultimate benefit of the community as a whole by ensuring that the various uses made of land and structures in the municipality develop in proper relationship to one another" - page 1 of Bylaw 4500

A bylaw amendment to lower building height was defeated 6-3. Residential buildings can now be 9meters tall, about 2 & 1/2 feet more than in the previous 19 years. The main proponents of the lower height were concerned about view protection.

There is still a pending amendment to bylaw 4500 that warrants ongoing attention. Councellor Pattje made the "NOCA" motion at the same time, Aug 8, as the one that was defeated Monday. It is currently the subject of a survey to property owners of the area it affects - the Nanaimo Old City Area. 3 features of Bylaw4500 (Lot size, carriage house and corner duplexs) are being considered for reversal as a means to protect this area's “character”.

What is character? And is it damaged, limited or otherwise negatively affected by the size of a lot, the shape of a garage or the existence of a corner duplex. Is more people in a neighbourhood good? I am working on the questions. I need more information & am hoping for an invite to attend the upcoming NOCA annual general meeting to gain insight.

I used to live in that area. 117 Pine St was my address of a stately restored character home. It was our first home in Nanaimo. It had striped fabric awnings over the windows, big green laurel hedge, secret rooms leading off bedrooms into the attic. The kids loved them. The old shower heads were the best I have ever had, the kitchen had a garbage/wood/coal burning compartment on the side of the old electric stove. The cabinets all had glass fronts. It was a cool place - even the exterior was delicious - a kind of apricot stucco. That house has character.

We had a black lab dog. Her very first move in our previous home was to track soot from the woodstove all over the carpets. Hence she was called "Cinders" or Cindy for short. I would take Cindy for walks in the nearby cemetery where I threw a stick and read headstones. What a tale is told there - Chinese worker #121 died in flood of coal mine under Nanaimo harbour, Great fire of this date killed many, Protection Island mine cave in, Fishing tragedy, on and on - that place more than any other experience in my 30 years here gave me my sense of where Nanaimo has come from. That place has character. It also happened to be the scene of my scariest dog drama. One day Cinders stooped to pick up a long skinny stick end on, at a full run. The "other" end caught the grass, her end pierced the inside of her mouth and went down & down. It thankfully went along the side of her neck between the fur and flesh. I was there in a heartbeat and pulled it out like a sword from a scabbard - a good 18". That built some character.

I do believe that city wide benefits is very much what was fought for and won this past Monday night. The rights and value transferred to property owners is real. Being able to make the most efficient use of land is important to me no matter where I live. I might be ready & willing to give up those rights and that value in the name of "character" if there was some assurance that it would work, that the interest I sought to protect would prosper and endure. I just dont know but maybe I am missing something.

The logic of using a line on a map to determine where an interest should be protected more or less, has failed. We have had special areas with special rules for years with little effect except to slow down & complicate the process of growth.

I once again respectfully submit that "guiding growth for benefit of the whole" is more about overall efficiency than protecting any special interest.

My proposal, irregardless of the outcome of Mr Pattje's motion, is that the process of "character building" continue in the NOCA. It goes deeper here than anywhere else in the city. Preserve and promote this body of experience. I gained from it. I know others will.

How can I help?

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