Friday, September 30, 2011

Newcastle Island - Videos from 85/86

Good things get my attention. In 1985/86 it was Newcastle Island. The following video's are all related to my work managing the Newcastle Island Pavillion Society. I promoted use and development of the island.

There are 8:
1) CTV News with a young Tony Parsons
2) Music Video "In the Mood" Dal Richards
3) Pavilion Visitors interviewed
4) Jack Webter TV Show
5) CHEK TV News - Hudson Mack/Patti Pitts
6) Bob Banard/Carol Berryman interview by JR
7) Shaw Cable - Leith Boulter coverage of Community Appreciation Day-Dignataries include Tony Brummet, Mayor Roberts & Dal Richards
8) Bill Merrilees - Mr. Newcastle.

I had alot of fun. Newcastle remains a big part of JimsWorld.

If I had my way there would be a bridge, a tunnel (not that far fetched-I've been in the coal mine there) or at least a proper regular transit service to this treasure.

1) Tony Parsons CTV News - July1986,, crazy young

2) Music Video - (yes we had them back then). I arranged with Dal's record producer to get this done. It was recorded live at the Newcastle Island Pavilion in Summer of 1986. Many new and old cars, people & energy went into capturing this moment of Nanaimo Culture. Wait for the green screen at the end for credits.

3) Pavilion Visitors are interviewed. I believe the first man is Gerry Berry Sr who like his son was City Manager (before Harry Whipper) . Also featured is Ted Jeffs, Joy Fagan. Who else please?

4) Jack Webster TV Show: This clip was a surprise. I arranged for our local MP to appear on Webster's show promoting tourism including Newcastle. I was there, prepared just in case, wearing a velvet jacket from Scotland which caught Jack's attention - he was good to fit me in at the last minute.

5) Hudson Mack - CHEK TV Reporter Patti Pitts does a good report on the islands features. I am amazed at how young Hudson looks - I just saw him at the United Way breakfast-he has filled out a bit.

6) Bob Banard & Carol Berryman get interviewed by me. Bob was the ferry operator and outstanding promoter with endless energy (later built Dingy Dock Pub). Carol was the park interpreter - where is she now i wonder.
Anyone still with me gets a prize :)

7) Leith Boulter & Shaw Cable coverage of Community Appreciation Day. October 20,1985. This is the long one - 22minutes. Tony Brummet then BC Minister of Parks explains history of society involvement. Dal Richards speaks of his original visit. Graham Roberts is Mayor. I look goofy. It was fun.

8) Bill Merrilees - Mr Newcastle. Bill knows Newcastle, better than anyone I know. He is a scientist, an advocate and nice guy. Bill worked for BC Parks and was instrumental in developing most of the interpretive displays, information & improvements to the island and its facilities.


  1. Great video, Jim. I wasn't at this dance, but we used to go the Pavilion for the Campa Big Band dances. I remember one night when it was warm and they raised the boards from the windows and all the campers leaned in to listen to the music and watch the dancers. There were many ballroom dancers who waited all year for the Campa Band. We weren't trained ballroom dancers so we just tried to copy them and never quite got it right. But boy did we have a wonderful time, several years in a row. We would row over and row back to Newcastle Marina where we had the boat moored. Sometimes we snuck a bottle of wine in our big baskets and once we ever stopped on the way back for a swim in the phosphorescence. Thanks for bringing up the memories.

    PS I didn't recognize anyone but I loved the white sox with the tux...db

  2. where can i find what diane brennan says about the brige to newcastle ?
