Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Modern, Innovative Zoning Bylaws include Market Gardens

Last night I took, what I hope will soon be, a rare Monday night excursion to somewhere other than the Shaw Auditorium in Nanaimo's Convention Centre.  I attended the Lantzville public hearing on a Zoning Bylaw amendment to restrict urban farming in residential zones.

Over the fence in the yard beside us, our neighbour to the north, Lantzville, has had an issue on a slow boil for years now.  I knew it was there but never felt it really either affected me or even interested me.  I was busy with one thing after another in my own yard, thank you kindly.

I recalled hearing Dirk Becker on CKNW radio a few months back when I was doing a renovation job in Duncan.  I listened to his remarkable gift of the gab more than his message.  I actually thought that his kindness to the announcers was a bit much, it tended to put me off being sympathetic.   However, I did get more curious about Dirk and his plight so I friended him on Facebook and started picking up bits of information from the torrent of posts he makes.  

When I decided to run for Mayor of Nanaimo I found myself taking comments and questions about my own choice of work as a developer/builder.  I guess I am more sensitive than usual right now about being painted all one colour.   Thats when I saw the following FaceBook Conversation evolve and I jumped in.

BHY (name removed as consent not confirmed at publish time- will put in if/when granted)
Just found out that developers are running for (Nanaimo) council...that really, really concerns me. You go Gordon! Is there anyone else that isn't a developer running for council?
 ·  ·  · Yesterday at 10:16pm
    • Dirk Becker Yes there is!
      We all have a responsibility to go through the list and do our research.
      Yesterday at 10:20pm · 
    • Jim Routledge pick me BHY & Dirk. I am a developer, I worked hard for the new zoning bylaw that supports Urban Agriculture & I actively 
      support the Supportive Housing in Nanaimo. I believe in balanced growth, balanced development. 
      Can you support me please?
      17 hours ago · 
    • Gord Fuller T'is true Jim is, in my opinion, an ethical developer.and whom I will be giving my vote to on Election day for Mayor. 
      At this point my list of those I most support is,Fred Pattje Darcy Olsen and Jim Kipp. 
      One also must remember that they do not have to choose all 8 for council on the ballot, they may, 
      by doing so, actually end up contributing to some getting in other than those they most support. 
      I have a piece on this in my blog under the category voting.
      16 hours ago · 
    • Dirk Becker Thanks Jim!
      It is likely that when running i would say "I'm not a developer".
      Since i live in a house, i do not allow myself the luxury of being 'anti development' (at least not on the record) LOL!
      Like using the credit union instead of the banks, if we are going to have 'development' and 'developers' 
      (including on council) then lets have the most ethical developers and ethical developments that we can!
      Surely that is wiser than allowing a vacuum, only to be filled with some of the least desirable people?
      Jim has a good track record as a person who truly wants to be of service to his community.
      So it seems prudent to support him.

Good to have support.  A question immediately sprung out - can I reciprocate?  It is one thing to peacefully coexist, but if he is willing to objectively evaluate me, I surely am obliged to do likewise and either way make it clear what I think. 
So off I went on last nights mission to find out more information and do my analysis thing.  I listened to several speakers, some struck familiar chords.  This sounded like something I hade just been through - it sounded like "Stop the Drop" (new zoning bylaw) -People wanting to change the rules for everyone in response to an issue for a few.

I came to realize that this was yet another example of the inappropriate use of a zoning bylaw.

Like Nanaimo's attempt recently to protect the views of a few residents by adjusting the building height provision of its zoning bylaw - Lantzville's attempt to use its zoning bylaw to protect the interests of a few neighbours is a valiant but misguided attempt.  Like using a hammer to grout tile - It is simply not the tool for the job.

I have said it before: the purpose is on page one of the Zoning Bylaw.  It is a tool to manage growth of a community for the benefit of the entire community.  

In Lantzville's case, I can see the upcoming civic elections having a final say in the immediate matter of the bylaw amendment.  The question will remain however, of how Lantzville wants to grow - with or without some of the modern, innovative features that Nanaimo recently incorporated into its revised ZB

The only question in my mind is will the next Lantzville council do what Nanaimo did, revise it's entire zoning bylaw to promote responsible, sustainable growth for the benefit of the whole community?

1 comment:

  1. Becker and his wife have a great gift of the gab and the written word, however they broke the bylaw as it read and instead of working it out, they are fighting and are spreading all sorts of manure on changing the topic to farming vs not farming instead of following the law or not following the law. Keep in mind, Jim, as Mayor it will be your duty to enforce all bylaws equally for all citizens and not to be selective in who you agree with. Now if Becker and his wife wish to work with city council to reach a decision, that is a complete different story. His land is residential, not farm land, simple but true.
